
Lifetime Management

Lifetime Management is the suite of services within Rotork Site Services which help you manage the risk associated with ageing assets, relative to your operational goals. Using our history, knowledge and unrivalled network Rotork has developed a tailored group of services based on actual customer challenges. Lifetime Management assists with the migration of technology and provides a seamless transition, allowing for a reliable operation that is always available and up to date. It is a customisable service offering designed to seamlessly maintain and improve your assets; we offer bespoke levels of maintenance processes which are entirely customisable to your needs. 

Lifetime Management provides constant support and minimum- to- no disruption to your production flow. We manage the inherent risks associated with advances in technology, component obsolescence and ageing equipment for you. Supporting the continuous and reliable operation of your plant allows for improved performance and increases in valuable uptime. Our tailor-made programmes increase reliability and availability, with flexible choices for our customers.

Lifetime Management benefits and operational goals:

  • Increased uptime/reduced downtime
  • Maximised productivity
  • Reduced operational risk
  • Increased reliability
  • Improved maintenance efficiency
  • Reduced cost of ownership

For further information please see:

Reliability Services
Upgrade services
Planned shutdown support
Life Cycle services
Overhauls and Refurbishment
Customised Spares Programme